Tuesday, 17 September 2019

La Marguerite Postcard #3 - My Tho and Embarking La Marguerite

After a good night's sleep and a small lie in this morning we eventually went down to breakfast. The food has been very good at the hotel and the breakfast is no exception.
A walk round the block proceeded where we picked up a data SIM for the WiFi dongle, 178,000 Dong (£6.41) for 9GB. It lasts for 30 days and prove very useful if the boats WiFi isn't up to much.

Our case's needed to be outside the room by 10:00am so they could be collected in readiness for our trip to My Tho port. We have been separated into 3 groups for the duration of the trip and each has been named after a colour, red, blue and green. We are in blue group and were given blue ribbons to attach to our case's so that they could travel with us on the same bus. We have 25 in our group which is mainly British but there are a few Aussies to make up the numbers.
We also completed our health questionnaire which was handed in along with our passports. These will be returned to is at the end of the cruise with APT taking care of all the formalities on our behalf, such as the Cambodian visas when we cross the border.

We departed from the hotel at midday and reached the port of My Tho at a little after 1:40. Embarkation was swift to say the least and we were straight into a welcome aboard buffet lunch. A good choice was available and Nicole was able to eat reasonable well once the initial understanding of her diet was explained.
From there we were able to get into our cabin which is really cosy, a lot more compact than the hotel but still very comfortable. Here are some photos of the cabin for you to peruse.

We set sail at about 3:30 but we were busy unpacking to go up and experience it from the upper deck.

5:00pm was the muster drill and that's where we are are this time. Dinner is at 7:00 and tomorrow is another day.

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