Sunday, 22 September 2019

La Marguerite Postcard #8 - Oknhatay & Peam Chi Kang

Early this morning the boat moved a short distance further up river to a place known as Silk Island, on the agenda was a tour to a village and silk factory. However, today we decided to stay onboard with a dozen or so others as we felt like the last 3 or 4 days has been wall to wall tours and we didn't feel any great desire to see another village or silk factory. It has felt like there has been one thing rolling into another from the moment you wake until you go to bed.
The weather was overcast but it was lovely and warm and we even spent some time in the pool, it felt great to kick back a bit.

With the tour groups back on board at 11:30am we set off for our next destination which according to the daily program is Peam Chi Kang which if my suspicions are correct is a substitute for Angkor Ban.

The only interruption being a break for lunch where I was treated to an amazing Cambodia Red Curry. Very nice indeed.
The afternoon was just spent up on the Sundeck watching Cambodia as we passed through. Lots of fisherman and plenty of small children always smiling and waving at us. Very heart-warming after the morning we had a couple of days ago.

At 5:00pm we were treated to a fruit tasting on the Sundeck, 10 different types of fruit all native to Cambodia.

It's just a short post today as there really hasn't been much going on to share.

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