Sunday, 11 July 2021

Covid -19 Postcard #2 - The Ships in Weymouth Bay

We took a trip out yesterday for a change of scenery, Portland Bill was our destination and its somewhere we have always enjoyed visiting, apart from the fact its a nice coastal venue, it was also a great day for a walk. While driving across the Chesil Beach road we spotted all the ships anchored in Weymouth Bay. Loads of them just sat out there and it is really a sad sight. They should be all over the world and not sat just off the coast of Dorset and empty of passengers. If I had got my brain into gear I should have gone to the Osmington end of Weymouth to get a better view of the bay but as it happened we ran out of time any way.

Weymouth Bay has been selected because basically it's a free anchorage while offering a safe location for the ships, the bay providing a natural shelter from westerly storms by Portland and Chesil Beach. It has been reported that there have been anywhere between 5 and 10 cruise ships seen at anchor in Weymouth Bay so it has previously been more crowded than this.

After getting home and reading up on the situation, there are even local boat operators taking sight seeing trips out to view them. Maybe something to do another day.......

From what I can determine from the photos and the marine traffic website, the list includes, Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth, Carnival Valor, Britannia, Marella Discovery, Marella Explorer.

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