Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Anthem of the Seas Postcard #4 - Greenock, Scotland

After dinner, while waiting for our evenings entertainment to commence, we went up to the pool deck to see what it looked like in the evening. Like most ships, the coloured lighting does make it look amazing and in warmer climates, I'm sure it would be great to sit outside and listen to a band playing.

So, last night we made our first visit to the entertainment venue at the back of the ship which is called Two70. We had pre-booked a show called Spectra's Cabaret which was billed as multimedia show brimming with kaleidoscopic sounds, effervescent colours and dazzling movement. Despite the fact I was on my last legs, I really enjoyed the performance and pleased I made the effort.

So to today, we were arrived in port before we surfaced this morning and had decided a lie in was in order. My Fitbit logged over 25,000 steps yesterday and my legs are backing up that data. MDR for breakfast again this morning, the ship feeling much quieter than previous mornings. We had decided not to venture into Glasgow after feeling the effects of yesterday, I recorded 25,000 steps on my Fitbit which is something I haven't achieved in a long time. Therefore, maybe just a walk around Greenock would be preferable with not too much exertion involved. We have plenty of walking planned for Belfast so decided to preserve our energy for then.

As, it happened, we ended up walking the length of the Esplanade and back just getting back to the ship before it started raining.

An early Windjammer lunch ensued because we were booked for the production show, We Will Rock You at 7:30. Our afternoon comprising of some more downtime just sat outside underneath the covered area of the pool deck. We would have used our balcony but there is building work going on near where we are docked with the continuous banging of a pile driving machine. From our vantage point, we were again treated to a large pod of dolphins frolicking in the Clyde just In front of where we were sat. We have seen hundreds on this cruise but I haven't yet managed to get a photo worthy of posting. The weather didn't improve and the rain just got heavier and heavier so it was an easy decision for us just to stay put and people watch the passers by from the indoor pool to midship stairwells.

So, with the exception of, our evening meal and tonight's entertainment, that has pretty much been our day.

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