Friday, 21 January 2022

Costa Firenze Postcard #9 - Dubai, UAE

So we have reached our last full day onboard the ship, we delayed the packing first thing, not even getting the cases out from under the bed. We wanted to keep the cabin uncluttered for as long as possible and my chief packer insisting she could manage it in around 30 minutes. Who am I to argue.

It was very windy last night and we assume that because of that, there wasn't a drone show or any fireworks. We had fingers crossed the winds would drop and we can see it on our last night but it has still been very windy again today, albeit with scattered clouds and a decent amount of sunshine.

After trying various locations around the ship we eventually found a couple of beds in one of the alcoves on the prom deck. It ticked all the boxes, out of the wind but in the sun. They are just like little beach house's and provide you with your own space. I am not sure if there is normally a fee for them but today there wasn't and they were spot on for our needs.

I also managed to check in for our flights which was a very tedious process. We were again encouraged to use the Verifly app which wanted pdf vaccination certificates along with a pdf PLF. I was backwards and forwards from apps to websites for well over an hour but in the end I achieved my goal. I'm relatively savvy when it comes to things like this and just wonder how those older and less knowledgeable get by. Lunch today more or less followed yesterday's routine with Nicole having a sushi lunchbox and me having something from the buffet. We investigated sunbeds on the upper decks but there was no shelter from the wind so we moved back down to the prom deck. If anything, I would say that the wind was actually stronger in the afternoon. By 4:00 it had turned decidedly chilly so we made for the atrium for a couple of drinks before going back to the cabin to pack. The winds have continued all day and are very chilly, even the large Ferris wheel hasn't moved today so there is very little chance of seeing the drone show again.

Tonight we will eat in the MDR and bid farewell to our two servers and finish off in Bella Bar for a last nightcap (or two). Very early start in the morning as we are being picked up from the cruise terminal at 6:30.

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